Saturday, July 21, 2018

even in the rain

throwing open
my window wide to the sky
cacophonous rain
on the roof
creating such a din
the canopy of green
pavements shimmering
lights reflecting golden
on streets

a world on pause

because most
harboring safely inside

a midsummer's day full
of unexpected
in the wet and the chilly
the muted grays

like summer got angry
and throwing a fit

and life's like that


things changing

and there is much lament over
what is and isn't
and the not yet

but today from a window

in watching the downpour
obliterate the sky 
and pound merciless for hours
gaining perspective
to slow
to ponder
and to see

a holy God

filling the earth with goodness

even in the midst of broken
plans going awry
lives crumbling into small pieces
disappointment showing up
seemingly capricious
and stunning

finding only God capable

of redemption

we are not

and He astonishing with love
knitting us back together
redeeming the brokenness
ensnaring our lives

beauty today
from a window

showing up raw
and reminding

on a midsummer morning

even in the rain

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