Friday, March 18, 2016

Ode to a friend


I will miss you

waving from your seat
on the back row on Sunday
that great big beautiful fur coat
threatening to engulf you
while that dazzling smile of yours
bubbling up
spilling forward

making me smile too
waving back

never imagining

it was the last time

so full of spitfire
and daring and mirth
so full of tenacity
and life

despite the odds
and the hardship
and the journey

to win back your life
after a shocking setback
and that you did
with aplomb

settling into life on the lake
with children
and grandchildren
and Kai
coming through that door
and you always

all of us

a place of beauty
nature on display through windows
lovingly built and placed
strategic for you
to see the glory of God
each day

and to rest

in Him

and that's what I learned


from you

and that is
the resting in Him

making each day joyous
a time of challenge
and prayer
or the everyday ordinary

like a day at the movies
where hilarity and glee
made me laugh
and made me cry
for the sheer joy
you experienced
in the polar bear express

because when
you have to learn
to walk again
and talk again
life is slowed
and full of hard


moments also sweeter
more appreciated
and family
and friends more dear

and for you in the still
in front of the lake
hours spent with God

it just radiated from you
this love affair
with Jesus

his grace covering
like your big furry coat

making you beautiful

a woman at rest

not so much
from the doing
your life full once again
and undaunted you were
by disability

but from the striving

and instead

a woman of prayer
and humility
sharing with other women
your walk
and your lover Jesus

knowing God

and trusting Him
for everything
we women try
to control

you told me
and I'm sure others

we are not here for long

but I never expected it so soon

and here I am
frantically waving back

and then

what I learned best from you

that ultimately

we're all just walking each other home

it was a privilege my friend


I will miss you


  1. Exquisite. ❤️ Your words expressed so much...

  2. Thanks Amy! It was a privilege.
    So glad to see you.

  3. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady.
